- Axel Bacher, Université Paris 13
- Mireille Bousquet-Mélou, Université de Bordeaux
- Mathilde Bouvel, Universität Zürich
- Jan de Gier, University of Melbourne
- Hugo Duminil-Copin, Université de Genève
- Philippe Flajolet, INRIA
- Tim Garoni, Monash University
- Geoffrey Grimmett, University of Cambridge
- Tony Guttmann, University of Melbourne
- Gary Iliev, University of Georgia
- Mark Holmes, University of Melbourne
- Iwan Jensen, Flinders University
- Greg Lawler, University of Chicago
- Dwight Makaroff, University of Saskatchewan
- Aleks Owczarek, University of Melbourne
- Andrew Rechnitzer, University of British Columbia
- Simone Rinaldi, Università di Siena
- Koya Shimokawa, Saitama University
- Chris Soteros, University of Saskatchewan
- Buks van Rensburg, York University
A lot of my day-to-day work is done with Mathematica. Occasionally I fire up Maple and Sage.
I mostly code in C++ or Python. The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library is an invaluable tool for coding that involves very large numbers, which is to say, most of enumerative combinatorics. The GNU Scientific Library is also very handy.
TikZ (TikZ ist kein Zeichenprogramm) is a great tool for drawing pictures in LaTeX.
I have spoken several times at The Laborastory, a monthly science-themed storytelling event based in Melbourne, Australia. Here's my talk about Paul Erdős:
Here's my talk about Chinook, the computer program which became World Champion in checkers:
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